Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (2024)

Want to see how you can save money on the Keto diet? It’s all about buying in bulk! Read on to snag my Keto Costco shopping list and get a preview of the yummy recipes I make with each item.

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Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (1)

*Printable list at the bottom!

Keto Costco Shopping List

Buying in bulk is one of the best ways that you can save money. And when it comes to the Keto diet, this works in our favor... there are SO many Keto ingredients that you can stock up on all at once!

In fact, shopping in bulk saves you both money AND time. You can stock up and save yourself a few weekly trips to the store. Win-win!

Below, you'll find my Keto Costco shopping list, which contains all the ingredients and items that I consistently buy in bulk.

This has been my favorite way to save money AND ensure I always have everything I need to cook some amazing Keto meals.


If you're ordering Keto items one at a time from different websites or scouring the store for the right items, it can add up quickly. This is why many people think that Keto is an expensive diet.

But it doesn't have to be!

When you buy in bulk, Keto can actually be an EXTREMELY cost-effective way of eating. And I'll show you how.

For more tips, see Keto Diet On A Budget.

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (2)

Almond Flour

I go through a lot of almond flour. If you've been following my blog for awhile, that probably doesn't surprise you!

I do a lot of baking, which means that I probably go through one bulk bag every 2 weeks.

The average keto'er, however, won't nearly go through it as fast!For most, almond flour is the kind of ingredient you only have to buy every other month or so.

A 3 lb bag of almond flour from Costco is $14.99. If you shop on Amazon or at the grocery store, most 1 lb bags will be around $7.99. So with Costco, you essentially get a FREE pound!

So what can you do with amazing alond flour?

One of the BEST ways to use, in my opinion... PIZZA! This is the kind of recipe that most people never realized could be Keto. And it makes a perfect dinner for you or the whole family.

Recipe - Perfect Keto Pizza

Recipe - Single Serve Keto Pizza

Almond flour is a great substitute for high-carb, all purpose flour. So you can even use it to make low-carb versions of breads and rolls!

Bread loaves and rolls are probably not something you'll make all the time, but they're great to have in your recipe toolbox when the occasion strikes.

Recipe - Keto Mini Bread Loaves

Recipe - Keto Drop Biscuits

Have you tried toasted almond flour? Such a good substitute for recipes that require graham crackers like keto graham cracker pie crust.

RELATED - How to toast almond flour

And finally, there are SO many great desserts that start with almond flour! Here are a few favorites:

Recipe - Carrot Cake Muffins

Recipe - Double Chocolate Chip Cookies

I highly recommend adding this versatile ingredient to your Keto shopping list. You'll find so many uses for it!

Ground Flax

I used to buy ground flax at whole foods and WHOA, was it pricey!

Once I found it at Costco, I was so thrilled. A 10 lb bag was $25.99! Now, this may be a higher cost item, but a 10 lb bag is going to last you a LONG time.

Simply keep it in an airtight glass jar, and it will stay good for as long as you use it. Ground flaxseed is the kind of ingredient where you only use a big at a time, so a 10 lb bag could last you months, even years.

May as well buy in bulk so you have it on hand!

Ready to see a few recipes that use ground flax?

Recipe - The Best Keto Buns

Recipe - Mini Bread Loaves

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (3)

Almond Butter

I LOVE almond butter! It's so delicious to add to shakes or use in baking recipes.

Or, you know, to eat straight out of the jar.

When you're eating Keto, it's important to find almond butter (or peanut butter) that contains ONLY roasted nuts. Many brands add sugar, which we do not want.

Thankfully, the only ingredient in Kirkland Almond Butter is roasted almonds. Perfect!

And these jars are a few dollars less than what you'll find at the store. So if you enjoy nut butters, this is a great item to add to your Keto Costco shopping list.

Here are a few of my favorite recipes:

Recipe - Keto Almond Butter Cups

Recipe - Ooey Gooey Chocolate Chip Bars

Recipe - Almond Butter Collagen Shake

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (4)

Hemp Hearts

Hemp hearts are a staple in my house. They are a complete protein, a definite source of healthy fats, and contain ZERO net carbs!

I love to sprinkle them on a salad or include them in my nut bars, like these:

Recipe - Maple Nut Bars

Recipe - Chewy Chocolate Nut Bars

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (5)

(NEW) Lakanto Classic Monkfruit

I almost jumped for joy the other day when I saw Lakanto Monkfruit in Costco! WHAT?? It is about time! Woohoo!

Costco tends to stay with the "trends" so it was only a matter of time!

This sweetener can be used in any recipe that calls for a low carb sweetener.

Add this one to the shopping list and start whipping up some awesome desserts!

Recipe - Orange Glaze Cheesecake

Recipe - Chocolate Chip Cookies

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (6)

Adam's Natural Peanut Butter

There is some debate about whether or not peanut butter is a Keto-friendly food.

Personally, I don't have any issues with peanut butter. My stance is that small amounts of natural, no sugar added (preferably organic) peanut butter is just fine.

Peanuts are a legume and, as such, should be limited.BUT, a little is fine!

Here are a few recipes to whip up if you choose to indulge in peanut butter:

Recipe - 4 Ingredient Fat Bombs

Recipe - No Bake Peanut Butter Cookies

Recipe - Budget Peanut Sauce

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (7)

Unsweetened Almond Milk

I go through a 6 box carton pretty much every week. Well, not just me - my entire house.

We don't drink milk, so almond milk is used in cereal (which we don't have often), protein shakes, etc...

So buying our almond milk in bulk is the best option!

The Kirkland version has a nice flavor and is perfectly keto. Here are a few great recipes to try with almond milk:

Recipe - Pumpkin Spice Smoothie

Recipe - Every Day Almond Butter Smoothie

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (8)


Yep - 1-2 big cartons a week.

Each carton has 2 dozen nice, brown, organic eggs in it! Such a great value, and definitely a staple we always need in our house.

If you're looking for some fun recipes to shake up your egg routine, here are a few of my family's favorites:

Recipe - Egg Bake

Recipe - Crepes

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (9)

Heavy Whipping Cream

Heavy whipping cream is kind of a staple in my house. Whether baking or adding some creaminess to a dish, it has so many uses.

It also lasts a long time, so I only buy one about once a month.

Recipe - Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies

Recipe - No-Bake Coconut Cream Pie Cups

Recipe - Whipped Cream

Recipe - Orange Glaze Cheesecake

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (10)

Kerrygold Butter

LOVE this butter! Nice and yellow with a rich flavor. It's a constant on our Keto Costco shopping list.

I go through butter like candy. So buying it at the regular store is just not cost effective.

I'm sure you already have plenty of uses for butter, but here are a few more recipes to add to your arsenal!

Recipe - Butter Glaze Cookies

Recipe - Peanut Butter Cups

Recipe - Butter Corned Beef

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (11)

Olive Oil

Store this in a dark place and it will last a long time!

I only buy one every few months because I mostly use coconut oil. But some things just need olive oil!

Recipe - Peppered Zucchini

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (12)

Coconut Oil

Oh, man, I love this HUGE tub of coconut oil. Even though I use it daily, it lasts FOREVER!

Organic coconut oil is expensive, and this tub is worth every penny. You won't need to buy it again for months.

Here are two of my favorite recipes that incorporate coconut oil:

Recipe - Cajun Drumsticks

Recipe - Chocolate Chip Cookies

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (13)

Avocado Oil

I don't use avocado oil that much, but it is nice to have on hand when you just want something other than olive oil or coconut oil.

Avocado oil has a very high smoke point, higher than olive oil. So it's safe to cook at very high heats without worrying about the oil breaking down.

So again, this is one that you can buy in bulk and have on hand whenever you need it. You likely won't need to buy another one for a long time!

When it comes to recipes, stir fry is the PERFECT dish to cook with avocado oil!

Recipe - Stir Fry with a Twist

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (14)

Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is an amazing ingredient to have on hand!

You can use it to replace heavy whipping cream if you are trying to stay paleo. It makes a super rich, creamy base for sauces and soups.

You can also place a can upside down in the fridge so the milk separates from the cream. Then, scoop out the cream for a Keto and paleo friendly yogurt!

Here's a great recipe that uses coconut milk:

Recipe - Curry Chicken Drumsticks and Veggies

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (15)


Cashews are a go-to snack in my house with everyone. My kids are huge cashews fans, and I probably eat a handful every day.

Even with everyone snacking on cashews, this large tub lasts about a month or longer for us.

When we're not using them for snacking, they're also fantastic in these recipes:

Recipe - Coconut Chocolate Cashew Bites

Recipe - Pesto Sauce with Goat Cheese and Cashews

Recipe - Spicy Cashew Chicken

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (16)

Almond Slivers

You know, I really love almonds, but I don't have the best teeth (thanks to soft, deep grooved teeth, I destroyed them as a child).

So biting into an almond is hard for me.

I love the almond slivers because I get to enjoy almonds without breaking a crown or something! And they're such a versatile ingredient that can go into baked goods, be used as a salad topper, and more.

Here are a few of my top recipes for slivered almonds:

Recipe - Maple Nut Bars

Recipe - Chewy Chocolate Nut Bars

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (17)


Another great nut to have on hand!Pecans can be expensive to buy in small amounts at the store, but this giant bag is a GREAT value.

I have yet to make Keto candied pecans, but it is on my list! In the meantime, here are a few recipes I love that call for pecans:

Recipe - Pecan Pie

Recipe - Keto OMG Bars

Canned Tuna

Everyone needs canned tuna, right?

Tuna casserole is something I throw together when I don't know what else to make. Kids like it and hubby likes it. Job done. Nice to have on hand.

Check out the recipe here:

Recipe - Tuna Casserole

Canned Salmon

Same as canned tuna, just nice to have on hand for those nights that you don't know what else to make.

Here's my go-to canned salmon recipe:

Recipe - Lemon Salmon Balls

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (18)

Cream Cheese

Ok, so I have some tips on this one! Costco offers a big chunk of cream cheese. The package has it marked at the 8-ounce mark. I forget how much there is total though.

Anyway, I take it home and slice it at the 8-ounce mark so I have a bunch of 8-ounce chunks.

Then I freeze them and pull them out as needed! That way, I don't have to worry about using all of it before the expiration date, and I always have cream cheese on hand.

Unless, of course, I'm making a cheesecake, then I don't freeze it!

Here are my go-to recipes that call for cream cheese:

Recipe - Cream Cheese Cookies

Recipe - Sesame Bagels

Recipe - Keto Pizza

Recipe - Cream Cheese Frosting

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (19)

Block Cheese

I get the block cheddar and block white cheddar cheese and shred it as needed myself.

When you buy pre-shredded cheese, it often has a bunch of filler crap.

So you'll save on money AND have a higher-quality product by buying blocks in bulk!

Here's how I love using shredded block cheese:

Recipe - Taco Soup

Recipe- Beef Casserole

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (20)

Goat Cheese

YES - goat cheese! I LOVE goat cheese.

And if you are a tad lactose intolerant (like many people), goat cheese is a great option.

Here are my top ways to use goat cheese:

Recipe - Pesto Sauce with Goat Cheese and Cashews

Recipe - Goat Cheese Cucumber Bites (SO GOOD)

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (21)

Frozen Broccoli

The thing that I love about the Costco frozen broccoli is that it comes in a 4-pound bag. BUT inside the bag, it is prepackaged in 1 pound bags. Brilliant!

These are so perfect to have in your freezer when you need a quick veggie to go with your dinner. Or, make broccoli the star of dinner with these recipes:

Recipe- Beef Casserole

Recipe- Cheesy Spicy Broccoli and Cauliflower

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (22)

Frozen Cauliflower Rice

This one is worth every penny!

Have you ever made your own cauliflower rice? Not fun. Doable, but not fun.

Pre-riced cauliflower is a time saver, and it keeps in your freezer FOREVER! Here's how I love using cauliflower rice:

Recipe - Garlic Cauliflower Rice

Recipe - Cheesy Spicy Broccoli and Cauliflower

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (23)

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (24)

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (25)

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (26)

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (27)

Bulk Meats

I buy ALL the meats - ground beef, pork, chicken drumsticks, chicken breasts, corned beef, steaks, pork shoulder, pork loins, etc... So many choices! Plus they have a huge organic selection.

Stocking up on a ton of meat at one time will save you many trips to the grocery store. You can store all of these in your freezer, then simply pull one out to let it thaw the day before you need it.

Or cook up several at once for some quality meal prepping!

Here are my top recipes that use bulk meats from Costco:

Recipe - Instant Pot Corned Beef

Recipe - Instant Pot Pork Loins

Recipe - Pork Shoulder Roast

Recipe - Crock Pot Chicken

Recipe - Easy Meatloaf

Recipe - Beef Stew


I am not a huge fan of these, but so many people love them. I mean, they aren't bad, but they are simply ordinary to me.

They do make a nice cracker-replacement to dip into my yummy one-minute guacamole!

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (28)

Himalayan Pink Salt

YES PLEASE! I love me some pink salt!

I use this is most recipes, so... you can click the "Recipes" category at the top of my blog and that's pretty much your list!

Long story short: Pink Himalayan Salt definitely belongs on your Keto Costco shopping list.

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (29)

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (30)

Frozen Berries

Yes, you can enjoy berries in moderation!The frozen bags allow you to just have a few without the rest going bad.

I like to throw them in my smoothies (a small amount, of course!)

Fresh Fruit and Veggies

These will vary throughout the seasons. But it's always nice to stock up on a big bag of avocados, lettuce for salads, or brussels sprouts.

Fresh produce is something you probably have to buy on a weekly basis so it's fresh. But as long as you're at Costco, there are always some great options available!

Parchment Paper

A HUGE score for baking!

I keep several rolls in my house at all times. Highly recommend having available.

And there you have it!! My top items to buy in bulk at Costco to help you save money.

Your initial trip to Costco may be a bit pricier if you buy ALL of these items... but after that, future trips to Costco or runs to the local grocery store for fresh produce will be extremely manageable.

You'll already have most of your ingredients at home and simply need to restock as necessary.

Are you ready to get shopping? Here's my low carb and Keto Costco Shopping list!

Simple Click "'Save As" and then print!

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (31)

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Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (32)

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (33)

Trina Krug, MS, CDSP

Trina Krug is a Holistic Nutritionist, Integrative Health Coach and host of the Carbless Conversations Podcast. With a Master’s Degree in Complementary and Alternative Medicine, her single mission in life is to facilitate self-healing in herself and those around her through awareness, lifestyle shifts and low-carb eating. As a current Doctor of Science student, she continues her studies in functional nutrition.

Keto Costco Shopping List with Recipes (2024)
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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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